BuzzFeed Feature

Yesterday was exciting . . . why, you might ask? Well, it all started with a little E-mail Etsy sent me in the afternoon.

"Kudos!" It read, "One of your listings is getting a lot of views!"

I scrolled down to see where it was coming from, and low and behold, there it was . . .!  I think I literally screamed. 

The article was titled: 

31 Incredibly Wonderful Products For People Who Love Texas

with my Texas Baby Knot Hat featured as #8. 


So, naturally, I called family and friends, wrote the author of the article to thank her, posted on social media, and am now writing this blog. I was so pleased to see that a bunch of other Etsy artisans were featured as well, (yay, go small business)! Let's just say, I love surprises like this and feel so flattered to be featured by a well-known website. 

Till next time . . . 


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